Benjamin Alard free concert on line

Sorry, this is very short notice, but Benjamin Alard is about to give a free online concert from the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. He will be playing a clavicytherium. Here is the link:

A big thank you to Andrew for all his hard work and I hope that the forum will continue.



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Unfortunately, at least here in Australia, the link is marked private and cannot be viewed without invitation it appears.

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The link is private in the USA as well. :pensive:. I hope it can be made public soon. I wasn’t able to make it to the live broadcast.

That is because it was a live event and I don’t know whether the video will be made available now the concert is past. I’ll try to find out.



All at once : à test message via ‘reply’, will my email work? Nothing like a little suspense…AIAC


Thank you to Mathew Dailly for sharing just in time, yes we listened to most of Benjamin Allard’s fine concert on a Jean Tournay 2 x 8’ clavicytherium. Most interesting as I’m startin one up meself. Were able to scroll back and get it from the beginning, yet only whilst it was still ongoing live. Next morning : private. This brings us back to the old days of a live concert : when it’s over, it’s over : That’s all, folks!

Too bad we haven’t got Julian Crémeux d’Isigny of H-List fame to dissert on the comparative delights of fleeting moments of music that must then be remembered to be appreciated and cannot be ‘shared’ as opposed to the ‘We shall have Musick where Ever We goe’ instant replay option now so ubiquitious.

Thomas Murach


The concert will premiere on YouTube on June 6. Below is the link:

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