Please all read

Dear List Member,

Yesterday we had a problem with an upgrade to the forum software. This caused a hiatus; but, thanks to Andrew’s hard work, the system has now been fixed and no emails have been lost.

There are three ways that we could run this list:

  1. Use Facebook or similar hosting. This is “free”. We rejected this because there is already a Facebook list and, more importantly, it is has obvious disadvantages.

  2. Pay lots of money to use Discourse with support, or Listserve. HPSCHD-L uses Listserv, paid for by the University of Iowa; Steinberg, with the resources of Yamaha behind it, uses supported Discourse. We cannot afford these models: they are too expensive for the number of members we might be able to attract.

  3. What we do: use Discourse without support. This is generally the best of the free options technically, though glitches can happen from time to time (as you can see!) and our costs are only the hosting of the webspace.

So please, bear with us if in the future there are glitches. They usually do not last long, and up to now we have lost no messages. The worst effects are that sometimes your postings are bounced back to you, and sometimes their transmission to members is delayed.

Thank you for your support and participation in The Jackrail.

Andrew, David, Stuart and Domenico.