"What's wrong with that harpsichord?"

It is very sad to see the scarce interest in my EOY post, or of most posts in this forum for that matter.

For what it’s worth, dear members, here you have the other answers.

  1. Boalch 3: RUCKERS(A), H(A). 1590(A)(2). An excellent instrument over which I played for years 1969-1971. It was actually a fake Ruckers, not a ravalement but a new instrument made by Jean-Claude Goujon, Paris, in 1749, as pencilled inside. The “ravalement” joints and the date are fakes, and were intended to allow Goujon selling the instrument as a Ruckers-ravalé, thus fetching a much higher price than a new instrument.

  2. Boalch 3: SHUDI,B. and BROADWOOD, J. 625. 1770, in the Fenton House, Hampstead, London.
    A large late English instrument, with the compass going down to CC. Another instrument on which I practiced every single week for years, half a century ago. The makers originally fitted only the two pedals for the machine and the venetian swell.
    As for the central buff-stop pedal, this is a 20th century addition!

Have a nice 2022 …

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